Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015


Somnath Ganguli, Vikas Julius Ganesh, P. Shenick Jain, Manoj Nallanathel, S. Needhidasan

Abstract :

 “Nanotechnology”, the term itself signifies very minute particles that is being combined with this era of technology giving us the ultimatum – NANOTECHNOLOGY. Thus, this is nanotechnology will help us control and  conquer the smallest of the material, therefore, eliminating the limitations in the field of civil engineering helping to improve this difficulties and help nanotechnology make a great leap, especially in India. This paper describes an over view of the nanotechnology in  the various fields of civil engineering along with the real time practical application. It gives a surface view of the types of nano materials  along with its initiatives in India. Here, we get an in–depth of the real–time application of nanotechnology in building materials like concrete, carbon nanotube, steel, wood, coating, glass etc. Nanotechnology can also be used in the new emerging trend of green building,  especially in India. The employment of nanotechnology in the areas of safety precautions like fire protection and thermal insulation are  also mentioned. The impacts of nanotechnology on construction in the present scenario are also departed in the following.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Somnath Ganguli, Vikas Julius Ganesh, P.Shenick Jain, Manoj Nallanathel, S.Needhidasan NANOTECHNOLOGY IN CIVIL ENGINERING PRESENT SCENARIO WITH PRACTICAL APPLICATION International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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