Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

Mythologising History: Archetypes and Irish Identity in Seamus Heaneys Poems Punishment and Tollund Man

Rakhi N P

Abstract :

Seamus Heaney considers Irish identity as a product of binaries. That difference is again complicated with its links to place, past and the communal consciousness as seen in his poems “Tollund Man” and “Punishment”. All these formulations of differences in his poems actually lead to integration. There is an integrating principle which lies ahead of all differentiations of oral, feminine, unconscious v/s cultured, masculine and conscious. History is reduced to myths and archetypes synthesize both past and present. Both “Punishment” and “Tollund Man has such archetypes either that of violence or that of martyrdom.

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RAKHI N P Mythologising History: Archetypes and Irish Identity in Seamus Heaney�s Poems �Punishment� and �Tollund Man� International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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