Volume : II, Issue : XI, November - 2013

Mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency of gamma rays and EMS in black gram (V.mungo l.).

B. Ramya, G. Nallathambi , S. Ganesh Ram

Abstract :

Studies on induced mutagenesis gamma rays and EMS were performed by sensational the healthy uniform size and dry seeds of blackgram variety TNAUCO (Bg) 6 to gamma rays 150, 200,250, 300, 350 Gy and EMS 10, 15, 20, 25,30mM. The study was to evolve efficient mutants. The LD50 values were found at 250Gy for gamma rays and 20mM for EMS under field conditions based on germination, seedling survival at 30th day, plant height on 30th day, pollen fertility, seed fertility, pods per plant, pod length, seeds per pod, 100 seed weight and single plant yield was reduced as compared to the control. In M2 generation macro mutants like dwarf mutant, spreading type, late mutant, semi sterile type, leaf mutant, basal anching and seed coat colour mutant. Gamma rays induced higher proportion of chlorophyll mutations. Single type and multiple type mutations occurred more frequently. The incidence of mutagenic efficiency and effectiveness was found to be lower at higher doses.

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B. Ramya, G.Nallathambi, S.Ganesh Ram / Mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency of gamma rays and EMS in black gram (V.mungo l.) / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.2, Issue.11 November 2013

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