Volume : IX, Issue : II, February - 2020

MRI evaluation of Disc Herniations in patients with low back pain

Dr. Garg Yogesh, Dr. Mohi Jaswinder Kaur, Dr. Kaur Navkiran, Dr. Rekha, Dr. Malik Priyanka

Abstract :

Background: Low back pain (LBP) is one of most common complaints throughout the world and our country due to degenerative spine disorder. In most of the developed countries LBP resulting from the degenerative spine diseases is the most common cause of physical disability in all ages, predominantly in 4th decade and above age groups and second most common cause to seek consultation from physician. Aims: The aim of this study was to assess the role of MRI in the evaluation of disc herniations in patients with low backpain. Material and Methods: This cross–sectional study was conducted on forty patients with chief complaint of low back pain Results: Among various types of herniations, asymmetric disc bulge and posterocentral herniation was seen in maximum number of patients. The frequency of disc herniation was seen increasing downwards being maximum at L5–S1 disc level. Conclusion: It was concluded that there is high yield of disc herniation diagnosis with MRI scan among low back pain patients with clinical need for invasive intervention, hence an excellent navigating tool.

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MRI EVALUATION OF DISC HERNIATIONS IN PATIENTS WITH LOW BACK PAIN, Dr. Garg Yogesh, Dr. Mohi Jaswinder Kaur, Dr. Kaur Navkiran, Dr. Rekha, Dr. Malik Priyanka INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-2 | February-2020

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