Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2014

Motives of Practice, Self–Determination and Commitment to Fitness Training

Helena Andrade Figueira, Rosane A. Boechat, Rodrigo Gomes De Souza Vale, Jose F. Guzman, Estelio Henrique Martin Dantas

Abstract :

Objectives: examining the reasons for practicing exercise: motivation and commitment. Design: Qualitative - inductive Method: Sample of 410 volunteer, 100 men and 310 women (43.36  11.89 years-old), gym academies physical activities practitioners in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Instruments: Motivation for Physical Activities Measure revised MPAM-R: Scale to measure Intention to be Physically Active, IPAS: Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire, BREQ-2: Goal Orientation in Exercise Scale (GOES) Results: Fitness was the highest reason for practice and compromise followed by enjoyment and appearance. Conclusion: Social identity is influenced by stereotyped characteristics: High status with identified and introjected motivation; Low status with reason of socialization; Intermediate status depends on personal factors. We suggest a controlled investigation of perceived status compå the differences in perception of the motives to practice as more or less self-determinates in function of it.

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Helena Andrade Figueira, Rosane A. Boechat, Rodrigo Gomes de Souza Vale, Jose F. Guzman, Estelio Henrique Martin Dantas Motives of Practice, Self-Determination and Commitment to Fitness Training International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 12 December 2014

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