Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Morphological Variations of The Fissures & Lobes in Cadaveric Human Lungs in Gujarat State

Dr. Bhavana K. Damor, Dr. Seema Solanki, Dr. S. V. Kumar, Dr. C. A. Pensi

Abstract :

The lungs are a pair of essential organs of respiration. Right lung presents three lobes - upper, middle and lower - separated by oblique & horizontal fissures. Left lung present two lobes - upper & lower - separated by oblique fissure. Fifty pairs of cadaveric lungs were used for the study. Six right lungs showed absent horizontal fissures, three showed incomplete horizontal fissures. Four right lungs and six left lungs show incomplete oblique fissures. Two left lung showed accessory fissure. The knowledge of anatomical variations of lung fissure is essential for clinicians & radiologist for recognizing various images of related abnormalities because an anomalous fissure can be mistaken for a lung lesion or an atypical appearance of pleural effusion. Awareness regarding anatomical variations is essential for surgeons in pre-operative planning and strategy for performing pulmonary lobectomies & segmental resection.

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DR.BHAVANA K. DAMOR, Dr.SEEMA SOLANKI, DR. S.V. KUMAR, DR. C.A. PENSI Morphological Variations of The Fissures & Lobes in Cadaveric Human Lungs in Gujarat State International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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