Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis in Wind Turbine Using can Network

Mohanraj. M, Dr. Rani Thottungal, Jaikumar K

Abstract :

Electrical energy can be created using fossil fuels and also by natural resources. The production of electrical energy using fossil fuels is worthier when compared to natural or survival resources. Solar, wind, thermal and tidal energy are most widely used natural resources for the production of electrical energy. Presently wind energy is used in fullest extent. Because Natural resources which could reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. The amount given or required of the wind turbine is extremely higher and work in jarring to the senses and unattended environment. Hence the monitoring and the automation of wind turbine are unavoidable. This paper describes the monitoring and fault diagnosis system for wind turbine using CAN interface. The monitoring parameter and CAN interface are described in detail.

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Mohanraj. M,Dr. Rani Thottungal,Jaikumar K Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis in Wind Turbine Using can Network International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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