Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2014

Molybdenum application for enhancing growth, yield and soil health on green gram (Vignaradiata L.)

Dr. J. Karpagam, Girish Chander

Abstract :

A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of molybdenum (Mo) application on greengram (Vamban-2) yield and soil properties during the summer season of 2011 at National Pulses Research Centre, Vamban, Pudukkottai.The treatments comprised of six Mo levels viz., 0,200,400,600,800 and 1000 g sodium molybdate(Na2MoO4.2H2O)per hectare. Soil of the experimental field was sandy clay loam (sand - 56%, silt - 15% and clay - 28%) in texture,low in organic carbon (0.36%) and nitrogen (105.3 kg ha-1),medium in phosphorous (38.40 kg ha-1) and high in potassium (203.64 kg ha-1) with pH 5.61.Results showed significantly higher green gram growth and yield under Mo application @ 1000 g sodium molybdate (Na2MoO4•2H2O) per hectare. Available nitrogen and molybdenum contents in soil increased with increasing levels of Mo. The Highest benefit:cost ratio of 2.79 was recorded with soil application of Mo @ 1000 g sodium molybdate per hectare.

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Dr.J.Karpagam, Girish Chander Molybdenum application for enhancing growth, yield and soil health on green gram (VignaradiataL.) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 12 December 2014

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