Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016

Modifying the Surface Charge of Kaolin and Cristobalite Particles by Adding Cations

Ramiro Escudero Garc A, Javier Guillen Aparicio, Diana Cholico Gonzalez

Abstract :

 Some chemical reagents are normally used to promote either the agglomeration or dispersion of fine particles by knowing their surface charge through zeta potential (ζ) measurements. ?ese ζ measurements are useful through a wide range of applications, i.e., to control the viscosity of a mineral pulp during its processing. + 2+ In this work the ζ of powders of kaolinite and cristobalite were measured in a pH from 2 to 12, alone, and adding separately salts containing K , Cu , 3+ and Al cations, in order to modify or manipulate the magnitude of the surface charge of the cristobalite and kaolinite species. + 2+ 3+ Experimental results indicate that both cristobalite and kaolinite observe similar pH– ζ relationships in presence of K , Cu , and Al cations. ?e pH, cation valence, and ionic strength reverse the original zeta potential value of both mineral species.

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Ramiro Escudero�Garc�a, Javier Guillen�Aparicio, Diana Cholico�Gonzalez, Modifying the Surface Charge of Kaolin and Cristobalite Particles by Adding Cations, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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