Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Modern Water Management Practices in Gujarat and the Development Thereof

Dr. Babaraju K. Bhatt, Ronak A. Mehta

Abstract :

In the State of Gujarat the modern water management practices like Sprinkler water management, Drip water management, High Discharge Drip water management, Micro Sprinkler and Surge Flow water management practices are very popular techniques of water management. Gujarat government under development of water resources has prepared master plan for maximum utilisation and development of water resources. Government of Gujarat State has the mission to work with agricultural policy of Gujarat – Vision 2010 and to ing more green revolution because of which water and electricity can be saved and increase the agricultural productivity which ultimately resulting in to well being of the farmers of the Gujarat state.

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Dr. Babaraju K. Bhatt, Ronak A. Mehta Modern Water Management Practices in Gujarat and the Development Thereof International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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