Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Modelling and Simulation of Parallel Motion Fender

Mehul D. Gohil, Praful G. Patil, U. V. Shah

Abstract :

In this study, the collision analysis for the fender system that designed for protection of collision between vessel and Port was performed. For the DWT4000 size of design objective vessel, the impact forces and the impact energies were estimated by data from port, and the Parallel motion fender systems were designed based on the estimated forces and energy. The impact analysis have the dynamic nonlinear features, such as, material nonlinear, large deformation and contact, explicit structural analysis program was used. The reaction force as fender systems are evaluated and analyzed. The consideration of fender system in calculation of collision force is need for optimum design. Here force applied on 90° and 10° angles and results simulated.

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Mehul D. Gohil, Praful G. Patil, U.V. Shah Modelling and Simulation of Parallel Motion Fender International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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