Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015

Modeling the Efficiency of Top Nationalised Indian Banks: A DEA–Neural Network Approach

Bhagat K. Gayval, V. H. Bajaj

Abstract :

In this paper, we investigate the efficiency of Nationalised Indian banks using two quantitative techniques: Data Envelopment Analysis and networks. The study uses a probabilistic neural network (PNN) and a traditional statistical classification method to model and classify the relative efficiency of top nationalized Indian banks. DEA has proven itself to be both theoretically sound framework for performance measurement and an acceptable method by those being measured. This paper assesses bank anches efficiency using DEA technique and neural network techniques. From a policy perspective, this study highlights the economic importance of encouraging increased efficiency throughout the nationalized Indian banks.

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Bhagat K. Gayval, V. H. Bajaj Modeling the Efficiency of Top Nationalised Indian Banks : A DEA-Neural Network Approach International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015

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