Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2014

Modeling and Simulation of Grid Connected Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Using Matlab / Simulink

Bariya Ketan Ratanbhai, Mr. H. B. Patel

Abstract :

Fuel cell technology is a relatively new energy-saving technology that has the potential to compete with the conventional existing generation facilities. Among the various Distributed Generation or onsite generation or localized generation technologies available, fuel cells are being considered as a potential source of electricity because they have no geographic limitations and can be placed anywhere on a distribution system. Fuel cells have numerous benefits which make them superior compared to the other technologies. The integration of the fuel cell system is to provide the continuous power supply to the load as per the demand. In this paper, design and modeling of Solid Oxide Fuel cell (SOFC) is discussed for the distributed generation applications. Modeling and simulations are carried out in MATLAB Simulink platform. Solid oxide fuel cells operate at temperatures near l0000C these are highly efficient combined heat and electric power. Modeling of SOFC is done by using by using Nernst equation. In that the output power of the fuel cell can be controlled by controlling the flow rate of the fuels used in the process. The fuel cell source is integrated with the VSC (Voltage Source Converter) to get the suitable form three phase output voltages for the grid connected applications.

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Bariya Ketan Ratanbhai, Mr. H. B. PATEL Modeling and Simulation of Grid Connected Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Using Matlab / Simulink International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2014

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