Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Mode of transmission and clinical profile of HIV in children, East Godavari District, A.P

Dr. Manikyamba. D, Dr. Malay Jhancy, Dr. A. Satyavani, Dr. A. Krishna Prasad

Abstract :

 The present study was taken up to evaluate the mode of transmission and clinical profile of HIV in children. It was  a cross sectional observational study which included HIV seropositive children of less than 15 years age who presented to the pediatrics department with various clinical manifestations and also symptomatic children who accompanied the parents and  siblings to ART centre and were found to be seropositive on screening. 442 HIV positive children were enrolled in the study. The mean age of  presentation was 8.63±2.9 years. Vertical transmission was the probable mode of transmission in 97.7% children. Prolonged fever and cough  more than 1 month were the commonest presenting clinical features. 79% of enrolled children were malnourished. Tuberculosis was the commonest opportunistic infection. Awareness of clinical spectrum of HIV helps in early screening and intervention

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Dr.Manikyamba.D, Dr.Malay Jhancy, Dr.A.Satyavani, Dr. A. Krishna Prasad Mode of transmission and clinical profile of HIV in children, East Godavari District, A.P International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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