Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015


Dr. Neha Pandey, Dr. M. A. Ansari

Abstract :

 The service role of ICTs can enhance rural communities’ opportunities by improving their access to market information and lower transaction costs for poor farmers and traders. Rural scenario has become more complex; farmers’ access to a reliable, timely and relevant information source has become increasingly important. Telecommunication, especially mobile phones have the potential to provide solution to the existing information asymmetry in various sectors like agriculture. Mobile telephony has emerged as the technology of the choice of the masses, be it in the rural or urban areas. Mobile phones are being used for a variety of purposes for information, education and entertainment. It was found that most of the population in China have been using mobile phone as an information tool. Today India is second largest country over other countries in the world where large number of mobile phones are being used as a source of information because it is less expensive and easy to reach among rural community (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 2013–14). Further, total mobile phone subscriber base in India stands at 97,21,79,316 of which share of GSM service is 81.02 per cent and CDMA’s share is 18.98 per cent (India Cellular.com, 2015). Mobile phone can be used to reach the widely scattered and diverse farming community. It can overcome the constraints of time space and scared human resources. On the other hand, farmers are also capable and open to used mobile phones. In addition, mobile phone are also be useful for agricultural marketing, mobile banking to obtain agriculture credit, etc which are still unexplored. Hence, Service of mobile phone will provide research based evidence, roadmap and policy framework to all such awaited initiatives to plan their future endeavours and usher–in a new wave of sustainable agriculture development initiatives utilizing the potentials of mobile telephony

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Dr. Neha Pandey, Dr. M. A. Ansari Mobile Phone One of the Icts Intitiative and Technology of the Choice of Indian Farmer” International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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