Volume : II, Issue : XI, November - 2013

Miscarriage of Cabinet Mission Plan 1946

Dr. Satish Chaturvedi

Abstract :

From evolutionary to revolutionary, from conciliatory to belligerent, from co–operation to non cooperation India’s freedom for struggle had unpredictable oscillations. Once jewel in the crown of British Empire became an Achilles hill for the House of Commons in London. The insurmountable challenges from domestic and international arena made British Empire to take a somber decision to Divide and Quit. This paper highlights the deputation of British cabinet mission to India and how it ended in a fiasco ultimately collapsing the idge between the two communities leaving the scope open for perennial skirmishes.

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Dr.Satish Chaturvedi / Miscarriage of Cabinet Mission Plan 1946 / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.2, Issue.11 November 2013

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