Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Minimization of COD Level in Dairy Effluent

Dr. B. Sarath Babu, C. Baradwaj Kumar , P. Sreedhar

Abstract :

Environmental problem is the major concern for any industry and there is a great need to that along green lines. Sangam Dairy being one of the most famous and widespread dairies in India, it produces wide spectrum of milk products. The Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) levels of effluent water of this industry with MIF treatment were found to be around 900 ppm. The main objective of the present study is to minimize the COD level to the required level stipulated by the environmental standards by employing various surface active materials like ferric chloride, alum and commercial coal and to evaluate various parameters affecting the COD level during the treatment. Initial and final COD were determined before and after the treatment. Characteristics of COD levels were determined by using open reflux method.

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Dr. B. Sarath Babu, C. Baradwaj Kumar , P. Sreedhar Minimization of COD Level in Dairy Effluent International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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