Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Migration of Hypo Pharyngeal Foreign Body to Para Pharyngeal Space

Dr Yarlagadda Subba Rayudu, Dr Manas Ranjan Rout

Abstract :

Migration of foreign body from Hypo pharynx to Para pharyngeal space is rare. Foreign bodies of pharynx, oesophagus, larynx, trachea and onchus are commonly found in otolaryngology practice. Migration of the foreign body from the hypopharynx to the neck is also found. Fish bones are the most commonly ingested foreign body. | Here we are presenting a case of 50 year old male with history of chicken bone ingestion since 3 days. Patient came to us with history of throat pain and swelling in the left lateral side of the neck. With preliminary investigations like X–ray neck and direct laryngoscopy we could not detect the foreign body. CT scan was ultimately done to detect the foreign body and the Para pharyngeal abscess on left side. | It was removed with external approach with the C arm imaging guidance. | We are presenting this case for its rare occurrence. |

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Dr YARLAGADDA SUBBA RAYUDU, Dr Manas Ranjan Rout Migration of Hypo Pharyngeal Foreign Body to Para Pharyngeal Space International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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