Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015


Sanjay Gandhi, Dhruva B Jyothi

Abstract :

Migration is one of the important social problems in every community and in group especially in India. Due to climatically condition large number of the people migrates to one place to another place Today World experience human mobility, since the down of human history the movement of population all over the globe has filled to society. The pattern of migration differs significantly from one community to another community and from one area to another area in which they live. “Kuruba” community is the 4th largest community in Karnataka where people are best suited for a migration and also called as Sanchari Kurubaru as their main occupation was sheep reå where they use to go in search of grass/fodder for their cattle so migration was common for this community people even though in this modern technical world migration is taking place in this community not because of fodder but for other reasons as Researcher mentioned in this article. It is said that 60 percent of the Kuruba community people are migrating from rural to urban area in search of job as sheep reå is not profitable and they cannot able to lead their life with their returns and 20 percent of Kuruba community people migrate due to push factors like to repay the loans. Neighbor disturbance, and loss in agriculture and 10 percent of people migrate for their own development like increase the standard of living to earn more money and only 10 percent of people come for their educational purpose.

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Sanjay Gandhi, Dhruva B Jyothi Migration Among Kuruba Community International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015

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