Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2017

Microsphere: a Novel Drug Delivery System

Anuj Malik

Abstract :

 Microspheres are particulate drug delivery systems which are prepared to obtain prolonged or controlled drug delivery to improve bioavailability, stability and to deliver the drug at a predetermined rate. They are made from polymers, waxy or natural, semi synthetic materials such as proteins and Carbomers. Microspheres are characteristically free flowing fine to cores powders having particle size ranging from 1–1000 μm. The method for the preparation of microspheres provides multiple aspects to control as drug delivery and to enhance the therapeutic efficacy in multiples of a given drug. These delivery systems offers maximum advantages over conventional dosage forms, which accounts for improved efficacy, reduced toxicity, improved patient compliance and convenience, reduced dosage frequency. The literature study highlights applications of microspheres, types of microspheres, methods of preparation and their parameters to evaluate microsphere efficiency. Microspheres are like Floating microspheres, Bioadhesive microspheres, Polymeric microspheres, Biodegradable polymeric microspheres, Magnetic microspheres, Radioactive microspheres, Synthetic polymeric microspheres and are prepared by methods like Spray Drying, Solvent Evaporation, Single emulsion technique, Double emulsion technique, Phase separation co–acervation technique, Spray drying and spray congealing, Quassi emulsion solvent, diffusion Solvent extraction. Due to convenience of preparation, formulations stability, controlled and sustained release behaviors of microspheres have wide range of applications.

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Anuj Malik, Microsphere: a Novel Drug Delivery System, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-3 | MARCH‾2017

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