Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015

Micro–Insurance: A Study of Ahmedabad District

Dr. Sneha Shukla

Abstract :

The liberalization of economy has strengthened the argument "to strengthen the people at micro level i.e. at the grass root level of the society,” the people below poverty line. Action plans are made to strengthen the un–privileged section of society by providing micro–Insurance to the people living therein. Today, more than 260 million low–income citizens in developing countries are covered by an insurance policy. Nonetheless, many people are still without cover. With the global middle class expected to grow to nearly five billion within two decades, there are billions of people who are without a safety net and at risk of falling (back) into poverty. This paper is an attempt to find out the awareness about micro insurance as a concept and its products as well. The author has meticulously tried to map out the impact of various demographic characteristics on the decision to buy micro insurance.

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Dr. Sneha Shukla Micro-Insurance: A Study of Ahmedabad District International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015

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