Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Mental Foramen in Dry Adult Human Mandibles - A Morphological Study

Baruah Sudipta Dipak, Mitra Satyajit, Sarma Joydev, Deka Banani

Abstract :

Introduction – Knowledge of the mental foramen is important for surgery in the mental region. An attempt was made to study the Position of the Mental Foramen in the dry mandible at the Department of Anatomy in Gauhati Medical College.

Materials and Methods –50 randomly selected adult dry Mandibles were studied.The Mental Foramen in light of its position as per Tebo & Telford Classification and its size were observed. Measurements were taken with Vernier Callipers. Accessory Mental Foramen were noted.

Result –The Mental Foramen was found to be mostly situated at the Position IV on both Right and Left side. On the Right side it was found that 48% of the Mental Foramina was present on Position 4 while on the Left side it was found to be 46%.

Conclusion – The knowledge of the position of the Mental Foramen is important for Faciomaxillary Surgery.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Baruah Sudipta Dipak, Mitra Satyajit, Sarma Joydev, Deka Banani, Mental Foramen in Dry Adult Human Mandibles‾A Morphological Study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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