Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Melioidosis in Andrha Pradesh,India

Dr. P. Lakshmi Vasantha, Dr. K. Sai Leela

Abstract :

Melioidosis is endemic disease in South East Asia & Northern Australia. Significant number of cases were reported from India, especially from South India. But only few cases were reported from Andhra Pradesh state.It was recognized as emerging disease in India. Here we report a case of melioidosis with septicemia in a diabetic individual from Andhrapradesh. Patient presented with multiple abscesses in liver and spleen.Pus culture from liver abscess and blood culture yielded Burkholderia pseudomallei.Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment by followingguidelines is needed for the management of this disease.

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Dr.P.Lakshmi vasantha, Dr.K.Sai Leela Melioidosis in Andrha Pradesh,India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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