Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Medical Astrology an Elixir of Precaution

S. Senthikumar

Abstract :

Indian Astrology is a useful and path-leading science since VEDIC era, but its use in medical is perhaps the most important one. Is it not a fact that mystery of so many diseases and health troubles is still unrevealed even by much advanced modern medical science. The astrological and planetary connection to various diseases has already been established beyond the shadow of doubt by our wise sages of ancient time, but much of their knowledge had not percolated to posterity with the passage of time and lack of proper scientific approach could not make much headway in this arena of Predictive Medical Astrology Zone. Medical Astrology is a proven and an invaluable diagnostic tool that leads to speedy recovery and lasting cures.

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S.Senthikumar Medical Astrology an Elixir of Precaution International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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