Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2014

Mathematical modelling for the Selection of the best source for the preparation of Bio–diesel

A. Pavana Kumari, N. Aruna Kumari

Abstract :

In present dynamic society, to meet the needs of different industrial and domestic operations, the major sources of energy is the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gases. There has been greater awareness on biodiesel in developing countries in the recent times and significant activities have picked up for the production of biodiesel. There is a need of biodiesel in the present day society, as the conventional and non-renewable resources depleting day by day by the over usage of increasing population. Global concerns regarding greenhouse gas emissions combined with soå oil prices have driven the search for renewable diesel fuels derived from either virgin or waste vegetable oils. A key challenge in the emerging bio-diesel industry is cost-effective. To overcome this problem, research is going on by the scientists continuously, trying to find the alternatives to fossil fuels and succeeded to find the bio fuel (biodiesel) from vegetable and animal oils. At this juncture, as there are abundant resources, there is a need to find out the best among them. We have considered some of the resources, Jatropha curcas, Pongamea glaa, Salvalora oleoides, Madhuca indica and Micro algae, which are cheaper in cost, abundantly available and we tried to give the ranking among them with mathematical modelling

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A. Pavana Kumari, N. Aruna Kumari / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2014 / Mathematical modelling for the Selection of the best source for the preparation of Bio-diesel

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