Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

Maternal Health Beneficiary Scheme: Impact on Emergency Referred Cases at Tertiary Referral Hospital

Dr. Arti J. Patel, Dr. Hardik P. Chauhan

Abstract :

This is a preliminary prospective analysis on to analyse the impact of maternal health beneficiary scheme on emergency referred cases at tertiary referral hospital and to study the feto-maternal outcome in of the same cases. Data were analysed in two phases, after implementation of maternal health care beneficiary scheme from September2012 to November2012 and also before implementation of maternal health beneficiary scheme from June2012 to august2012. After implementation of the scheme,most of these patients were referred to our tertiary care centre for antepartum, intrapartum or postpartum complications, to get the advantage of maternal health beneficiary scheme at our tertiary care hospital. After implementation of the scheme, leading causes of reference in emergency were pregnancy induced hypertension (42.9%), eclampsia (10.3%), anaemia (49.6%), antepartum haemorrhage (12.6%), postpartum haemorrhage (20.9%) and financial incapability (20.5%). In PIH and related complications, incidence has increased from 58.4% to 81.7%. In anaemia, incidence has increased to 49.7%. In APH, incidence has increased from 10.1% to 25.3%. In PPH, incidence has increased from 11.7% to 41.8%. There is significant increase in caesarean section rate up to 45.7%. This is preliminary prospective study can give vision that the scheme needs to be strengthened by modifying its some aspects with more emphasis on parity, prior registration and postnatal follow up to improve fetomaternal outcome. Further studies are required to access the technical difficulties or qualities of the care, mortality impact of referred cases and overall burden to the medical and paramedical staff of tertiary health care centre.

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Dr. Arti J. Patel,Dr. Hardik P. Chauhan Maternal Health Beneficiary Scheme: Impact on Emergency Referred Cases at Tertiary Referral Hospital International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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