Volume : I, Issue : V, October - 2012

Maternal factors affecting Neonatal Jaundice in Saurashtra region of Gujarat

Gitesh Dubal, Varsha Joshi

Abstract :

Objectives: Various Maternal factors are found to be associated with neonatal jaundice which is commonly observed in large number of neonates. Yet the role of these factors in causation of neonatal jaundice is not well established. As a result, study was conducted to analyze role of these factors in neonatal jaundice. Material and methods: 50 neonates with neonatal jaundice with serum bilirubin level >5mg% were examined for presence of these factors and its association with level of total serum bilirubin was studied. Neonates with total serum bilirubin

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Gitesh Dubal, Varsha Joshi Maternal factors affecting Neonatal Jaundice in Saurashtra region of Gujarat International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.V Oct 2012

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