Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Managing People of an Organization Through Talent Management: A Factor Analysis Approach

Dr. Pratapsinh Chauhan, Ms. Kinjal Bhatt

Abstract :

Liberalization of the Insurance sector has allowed the foreign players to enter the market with their Indian partners. Most of the foreign Insurers have joined within the local market. India offers immense possibilities to foreign Insurers since it is the world's most populous country having over a billion people.Private and Foreign entrants in the Insurance Industry made

others difficult to retain their market. Higher customer aspirations lead to new expectations and compel him to move towards the insurer
who provides him the best service in time. It becomes less viable for them even to maintain the functional networks or competitive standards
and services. To survive in the Industry they analyze, the emerging requirements of the policyholders / insurers and they are in the forefront
in providing essential services and introducing novel products.Talent Management refers to the process of developing and integrating new
workers, developing and keeping current workers and attracting highly skilled workers to work for company.Talent management is considered
to be an important way of ensuring that HRM becomes a central component of a business’s strategy and is integrated into the everyday processes throughout an organization, from the practices of the HR department and line managers to those of senior management. The objective
of current study is to identify factors which are affecting Talent Management activities. The data is collected from the people who are working
in the private sector insurance companies of Gujarat. Factor analysis is used as a tool of analysis.

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Dr.Pratapsinh Chauhan, Ms. Kinjal Bhatt Managing People of an Organization Through Talent Management: A Factor Analysis Approach International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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