Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

Management Options for Individuals with Tinnitus – A Review

Aswani Vempati, Dr. S. G. R. Prakash, S. B. Rathna

Abstract :

Most individuals in a quiet room or after listening to loud music, report of heå sounds in their ears or head, which are referred to as tinnitus. Over the years several treatment options have been developed for reducing the effects of tinnitus on psychological and health aspects of individuals and further improve their quality of life. However there is no particular treatment which completely eradicates tinnitus. Most of the times there is a need to use more than one technique for positive outcome from the patient, be it medical, behavioral or sound therapy. This review article accommodates rudimentary information on variety of traditional and modern management techniques available in treating tinnitus which might help the concerned professionals in planning an effective management program by selecting the appropriate technique or a combined approach for better prognosis. It also paves a path for research in planning outcome studies in tinnitus management.

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Aswani Vempati,Dr. S. G. R. Prakash,S. B. Rathna Management Options for Individuals with Tinnitus - A Review International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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