Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

Management of Drug induced gingival enlargement by flap surgery: A case report

Kalaivani S Mds, Vimalraj D, Jenish Manohar J, Dnyaneshwar Punse

Abstract :

Gingival enlargement is a well known consequence of the administration of anticonvulsants immunosuppressants, and calcium channel blockers. The effects of these drugs are not only directed at the primary target tissues but also on secondary target tissues, such as gingival connective tissue, causing clinical and histopathological aberrations. These aberrations can adversely affect speech, mastication, tooth eruption, and esthetics. Disfiguring gingival overgrowth triggered by these medications often impairs nutrition, and provides access for oral infection, caries, and periodontal disease. Generally gingival enlargement is treated using (conventional)external bevel gingivectomy, which is the soft tissue excision procedure, not designed to gain access to bone. When intrabony pockets are present and access to them is needed to treat these defect, flap is the better alternative. This case report describes the management of phenytoin induced gingival enlargement using flap surgery and postoperative care by application of positive pressure appliance.

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Kalaivani S MDS, Vimalraj D, Jenish Manohar J, Dnyaneshwar Punse Management of Drug induced gingival enlargement by flap surgery: A case report International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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