Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2017

Management of discolored nonvital teeth with an open apex a case report

Teena Dsouza, Kelvin Peter Pais

Abstract :

 Intrinsic discoloration of a non–vital permanent incisor tooth due to trauma may have a significant esthetic and social impact on young adults. The dental practitioner is provided with a variety of treatment options for discoloured teeth which range from invasive methods like full crowns and veneers to least invasive procedures like bleaching. Intervention should be minimal destruction of tooth structure and should not compromise future restorative options. The advantage of bleaching over crown is that it offers simple conservative approach in removal of stain and whitening discolored teeth without damaging tooth structure. Non–vital bleaching restores a smile’s natural look where external bleaching methods can’t and more expensive alternatives are complicated. This article describes a case report on management of discoloured non–vital maxillary central incisors with an open apex. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) apexification followed by root canal treatment and non–vital bleaching was performed to achieve functional and esthetic rehabilitation.

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Teena Dsouza, Kelvin Peter Pais, Management of discolored nonvital teeth with an open apex a case report, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 6 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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