Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2018

Magnitude of Bronchial Asthma among Adolescent age group residing in Urban Agra: A Cross Sectional Study

Dr. Santosh Kumar, Dr. Gajendra Vikram Singh, Dr. Benhur Joel Shadrach, Dr. S. K Kaushal, Dr. Rishabh Goel

Abstract :

SUMMARY: Asthma is one of the most important chronic diseases of childhood, causing substantial morbidity. There is paucity of studies in India regarding asthma in children with recent reports showing wide variation in Asthma Prevalence among adolescents from different geographic areas in India. The present study was carried out to determine the prevalence of onchial asthma in adolescents residing in urban Agra, and to assess the precipitating factors on the basis of the questionnaire and spirometry. A total of 2075 children 10–19 years of age from the three schools in Agra were surveyed. It was an observational study. The prevalence of onchial asthma was found to be 7.4% which is almost similar to those seen in other parts of Northern Indiaand helps to identify therisk factors which may help in Preventing or reducing further exacerbation and morbidity

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Dr. Santosh Kumar, Dr.Gajendra Vikram Singh, Dr. Benhur Joel Shadrach, Dr. S.K Kaushal, Dr. Rishabh Goel, Magnitude of Bronchial Asthma among Adolescent age group residing in Urban Agra: A Cross Sectional Study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-6 | June-2018

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