Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Madras Variant Motor Neuron Disease – A Rare Presentation

Dr. U. J. Jani, Dr. Ashwinpatil, Dr. Mitesh J. Makawana, Dr. Kalpeshh. Patel, Dr. Digneshvasava, Dr. Tejaschaudhari

Abstract :

Madras variant MND is a rare variant of Madras MND.It is characterised by atrophy and weakness of limbs,multiple cranial nerve palsies particularly 7,9to 12,sensorineural heå loss, optic atrophy. We present a case of madras variant of Madras MND who had typical constellation of paralysis of upper and lower motor neurons with combination of sensorineural deafness and optic atrophy

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr.U.J.JanI, Dr.AshwinPatil, Dr.Mitesh J.Makawana, Dr.KalpeshH.Patel, Dr.DigneshVasava, Dr.TejasChaudhari Madras Variant Motor Neuron Disease - A Rare Presentation International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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