Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015


Winniecia Dkhar, Sushil Yadav, Dayashwori Devi, Abhimanyu Pradhan

Abstract :

 In recent years, much attention has been given to the role of CT in detecting and quantitating respiratory health problems. Approximately 1.25 billion people smoke cigarettes daily worldwide (2). Lung density changes are expected for smokers over a period of time. Medical imaging comprises different imaging modalities and processes to image human body for diagnostic and treatment purpose and therefore has a significant role in the improvement of public health in all population growth. With the advancement of technology in medical imaging we can diagnose and evaluate various lung diseases. The purpose of this study is to evaluate CT lung density in a group of patients who are smokers versus non– smokers. Changes in the lung density measured by the CT can help diagnose lungs’ functional level and empower people to understand lung diseases due to smoking and improve their quality of life. According to this study CT reconstruction helps in diagnosing that the clinical symptoms such as cough, sputum and eathlessness shows a significant difference between smokers and non–smokers, where these symptoms were more prevalence’s among smokers as compared to non–smokers. Lung density and lung emphysema shows a strong correlation where lung density and emphysema were higher among the smokers than

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Winniecia Dkhar, Sushil Yadav, Dayashwori Devi, Abhimanyu Pradhan Lung Density Measurement Among Smokers Versus Non-Smokers Through CT Reconstruction International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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