Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

Lipid Profile Study in Diabetic Patients

Dr. I. M. Desai, Dr. Manojghoda, Drhimanshu P. Patel, Ms. Kunjlata Rajput

Abstract :

The present study was conducted to evaluate serum lipid profile in type II Diabetes Mellitus patient at who attended Out Patient Department of Gujarat Medial Research institute, Rajasthan Hospital, Ahmedabad. A total of 132 diabetic patients and 132 healthy controls were randomly selected and were examined for dyslipidemia. There was significant association of abnormal lipid parameters in type II diabetic patient in comparison with control group which was positively and significantly correlated. Type II Diabetes Mellitus abnormally influences lipid profile of patient and hence making them vulnerable to associated cardiovascular disease HbA1c was evaluated in 45 Diabetic patient and it was found that it can be used as a potential biomarker for glycaemia control in predicting dyslipidemia in type II Diabetic patients.

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Dr. I. M. Desai,Dr. ManojGhoda,DrHimanshu P. Patel,Ms. Kunjlata Rajput Lipid Profile Study in Diabetic Patients International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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