Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018

LFT as a marker of NAFLD in general population

Dr Arvind Kumar Mittal, Dr R K Jha

Abstract :

INTRODUCTION :–The presence of Non–alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is a common benign finding in the ultrasonography reports of apparently healthy individuals and is associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia and hypertension. These conditions cluster to form the metabolic syndrome, which carries a high risk for cardiovascular disease. Mildly to moderately elevated serum levels of ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and/or AST (aspartate amino transferase)is the most common laboratory abnormality found in patients with NAFLD and a risk predictor of NAFLD.

AIM/OBJECTIVE:–To find out correlation of non–alcoholic fatty liver disease with LFT (liver function test)  in general population by means of non–invasive methods. And To evaluate LFT as a risk factors for the development of non–alcoholic fatty liver disease in general population


MATERIAL & METHOD:–All adults patient attending the Medicine OPD in one and half year duration were enrolled in the study.Detailed history and clinical examination was done and Ultrasonography of whole abdomen and LFT was done for all the patients included in study.

RESULT:–The mean ALT level in cases with fatty liver was 51.4±26.7 and in those with no fatty liver the mean ALT level was 38.4±26.7 with p–value 0.001 is highly suggestive that people with fatty liver have higher level of ALT than those without fatty liver

The mean AST level in cases with fatty liver was 49.9 ±18.8 and in those with no fatty liver the mean AST level was 40.6±29.9 with p–value 0.033 is suggestive that people with fatty liver have higher level of AST than those without fatty liver.

CONCLUSION:–Liver enzymes such as AST, ALT increases in people with NAFLD thus making them an important marker for diagnosis of NAFLD. So Higher levels of AST and ALT are good predictors of NAFLD

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Dr ARVIND KUMAR MITTAL, Dr R K JHA, LFT as a marker of NAFLD in general population, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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