Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015


Ms. P. Indirakumari, Mr. G. Vijay, Mrs. Vinili Simpson

Abstract :

Compliance survey of smoke–free law is an effective means of measuring progress towards a smoke–free society. India has a comprehensive tobacco control law known as Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act, 2003. Even then the prevalence of smoking is high among adolescents. This study aimed to assess the knowledge regarding the impact of tobacco chewing among adolescent boys. The objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge regarding impact of tobacco chewing among adolescent boys the selected community area and to associate the knowledge level with selected demographic variables. The study was conducted in the Mahabalipuram village. A non– experimental descriptive research design was used. A total of 30 samples were selected by using systematic random sampling. The knowledge level of the samples was assessed using a structured questionnaire. The collected data were analysed using the descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The study results revealed that 50% of the adolescent boys were having moderate knowledge regarding impact of tobacco chewing, there is also a significant relationship between educational status of mother, occupational status of father and mother, type of family and the previous knowledge regarding impact of tobacco chewing and their knowledge score. The study concludes that an agenda to improve the knowledge regarding impact of tobacco chewing among the adolescent boys in rural area in India must include effective interventions to control tobacco use.Failure to do so would most likely result in doubling the burden of diseases—which caused by—among India’s teeming tobacco use in adolescent boys.

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Ms.P.IndiraKumari, Mr.G.Vijay, Mrs.Vinili Simpson Level of Knowledge Regarding Impact of Tobacco Chewing Among Adolescent Boys. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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