Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015


Dr. Dinesh Kulkarni, Dr. Ritesh Sulegaon, Dr. Bhaskar K.

Abstract :

 Leprosy is a chronic granulomatous infectious disease caused by acid and alcohol resistant MycobacteriumLeprae with predominant involvement of skin and nerves. Other organs affected are eyes, respiratory tract, lymph nodes, testicles and joints.The clinical presentation of leprosy is highly variable and in all its stages it can mimic great variety of other lesions. Leprosy with skin lesions is classically diagnosed by full thickness skin biopsy. Musculoskeletal involvement, though third most common, is underdiagnosed and underreported. It may manifest in the form of Charcot’s arthropathy, Acute Symmetrical Polyarthritis during lepra reactions, Insidious onset chronic symmetrical polyarthritis or as Isolated Tenosynovitis. At times, articular involvement may be the sole presenting manifestation even without cutaneous lesions. Here, one should rule out other causes of arthritis by radiological and laboratory investigations before diagnosing the patient with leprous synovitis. Delay in diagnosis and management may be detrimental and result in deformities, disability and loss of function. We report a case of leprous synovitis in a known patient of lepromatous leprosy from an endemic zone in northern Karnataka who took inadequate treatment.

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DR.DINESH KULKARNI, DR.RITESH SULEGAON, DR. BHASKAR K. Leprous Synovitis – A Case Report International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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