Volume : II, Issue : I, January - 2013

Lepra Reactions–A Clinical & Histopathological Study

Dr. Neha Sharma, Dr. Neela M. Patel , Dr. Nirali Mahakal

Abstract :

Reactions are immunologically mediated episodes of acute & sub-acute inflammation which interrupt, the relatively uneventful course of leprosy. The objectives of the present research are to study the epidemiology, precipitating factors, clinical features, routine investigations(Ix) and histopathological features of lepra reactions. Among the 364 leprosy patients, 156(42.8%) had reactions at any point in their disease ,type 1(T1R) in 71.8% and type 2(T2R) in 28.2%. 61.5% males and 10.2% females had T1R while 16.6% males and 11.5% females had T2R.Maximum incidence of reactions was in 21-40 year age groups and in borderline leprosy patients.4.5% patients with T2R had recurrent ENL for years even after successful treatment. Commonest precipitating factors were intercurrent infections in 45.5% T1R, 43.2% T2R and stress in 16% T1R, 22.7% T2R patients. Sudden exacerbation of pre-existing skin lesions and/or appearance of new lesions in 150(96.1%) and nerve involvement in 80(51.3%) patients. Skin biopsy of T1R patients showed histological upgrading in 46.2%, downgrading in 10% and T2R patients showed dermal edema in 74.4%,neutrophilic infiltrate in background of macrophage granuloma and vasculitis in 2.1%. Histopathology has a diagnostic as well as prognostic significance

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Dr. Neha Sharma,Dr. Neela M. Patel ,Dr. Nirali Mahakal Lepra Reactions-A Clinical & Histopathological Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.I January 2013

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