Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Learning English As a Second Language & Role of Digital Language Lab

Kamini Bhasin

Abstract :

Today’s world considers English as a global language because there has never been a language so widely spread or spoken by so many people as English. The purpose to write this paper is to provide an overview of technology-related changes that are taking place in the engineering institutes of India in learning and teaching English language and to examine how far these changes are actually able to make a difference at the ground level. The advancements in Science and Technology and their use of new terminology have been showing an immediate impact on the language, adding tens of thousands of words to the English dictionary. As these innovations come down from the English-speaking countries, those who wish to update their knowledge and learn about new inventions need to learn English well. In India, English language teaching mainly depends upon the chalk and talk method of teaching. But in recent times the major institutes have begun to realize that language learning should take place in a realistic and practical manner only to achieve language proficiency and fluency. The importance of the English language in educational field is clear from the fact that many countries have made English as an official language. Consequently, the English language teaching (ELT) has become one of the major growth industries around the world in the recent years. The objective of this paper is to present significance of Digital English Language lab in engineering and technology institutes in India. The quality of the language proficiency will enhance when students learn it from the multimedia, digital and computerized Language Lab.

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KAMINI BHASIN Learning English As a Second Language & Role of Digital Language Lab International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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