Volume : II, Issue : I, January - 2013

Leaderships Styles Adopted by Owner–Managers in Selected Small Scale Industries of India

Dr. Mohd. Ashraf Ali

Abstract :

Leadership is an important factor in any form of organization whether it is small or big. One of the most significant features of the leadership situation is the style or behaviour of the leaders. It became a focal point in the emergence of modern human resources management in the organizational psychology. Many studies were undertaken on leaderships styles adopted in bigger organizations. But relatively only few attempts have been made to study the leadership styles adopted by ownermanagers as leaders in Small Scale Industries. A study of this feature is necessary to understand the leadership in its Toto as many of the small scale industries are being managed by owner-managers themselves. Hence, this paper is an attempt in this direction.

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Dr. Mohd. Ashraf Ali Leaderships Styles Adopted by Owner-Managers in Selected Small Scale Industries of India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.I January 2013

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