Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2018


Dr Bela J Prajapati, Dr Chaitry K Shah, Dr. Shreya Rai, Dr Darshan D Parikh, Dr. Vaishali Jain, Dr. Keval K. Patel

Abstract :


Laryngotracheal stenosis can be defined as a partial or circumferential narrowing of the airway and may be congenital or acquired. Sites involved are supraglottis, glottis, or sub glottis. Most common site of involvement is the subglottis. Most of the patients presented with tracheostomy.

Treatment options range from conservative short–term therapies to definitive surgical procedures. Definitive surgical procedures that have been used involve either cartilage grafts to enlarge the laryngotracheal lumen or segmental laryngotracheal resection with primary end–to–end anastomosis.



Aims and Objectives :


         To know the most common aetiology.

         To know the  most common site

          To study the incidence of laryngo tracheal stenosis in various age group and gender.

         To study efficacy of  Laser.

         To evaluate all management protocols.

         To study efficacy of various treatment modalities


Materials and Methods:

It is study of 30 cases of laryngotracheal stenosis which was done over a period of 3 year between 2014 to 2017. Detailed history of patients was taken. All patients suspected of laryngotracheal stenosis were investigated for CECT neck and thorax scan and then included in study.




In our study, 12 patients were females and 18 patients were male, with majority of them presenting in 21–30 age group. 90 percent of the patients in our study presented with complaints of Respiratory Distress, and rest presented with Difficulty in Swallowing.

Various causes of laryngotracheal stenosis are:

Intubation was commonest cause of laryngotracheal stenosis,followed by Trauma, Something ingestion, autoimmune disease or granulomatous disease in same order.


Majority of the the patients who presented with subglottic stenosis,  presented with Cotton Myer’s Grading II. 60% of the patients had stenosis at Subglottic level, with it being the most common site. 9 patients underwent Bougie dilatation, 10 patients underwent LASER excision, while 2 patient  underwent End–to–end anastomosis  and 1 patient underwent Tracheal reconstruction. Saggital view in CECT neck is best for assessing laryngotracheal stenosis.




—   In our study male had higher incidence .

—  More commonly between 21–30 yrs of age.

—  The most common etiological factor is Post–intubation.

—   Congenital tracheal agenesis is usually associated with multiple organ anomalies.

—  Most common site of stenosis: Subglottis.

Keywords :

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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LARYNGOTRACHEAL STENOSIS , Dr Bela J Prajapati, Dr Chaitry K Shah, Dr.Shreya Rai, Dr Darshan D Parikh, Dr.Vaishali Jain, Dr. Keval K. Patel , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7|Issue-12| December-2018

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