Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Land Tenure System and the British East India Company: A Case Study of the South East Punjab

Manoj Kumar

Abstract :

<p> The present paper attempts to focus on the land tenure system in the early 19th century in the south east Punjab. Land was the chief means of livelihood for the people of the south east Punjab and the land revenue was major source of income for the Governments. The land tenure system of the south east Punjab was divided into four groups as Zamindari, Pattidari, Bhaichara and Mixed or imperfect pattidari. The cultivators were also divided into four classes–the old residents, the itinerants, the hired, and the partial cultivators.</p>

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Manoj Kumar Land Tenure System and the British East India Company: a Case Study of The South East Punjab International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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