Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015


Sk. Nasim Ali

Abstract :

Agriculture was the main occupation of the people under Satavahanas, as in India at all times. The land management i.e. identification of suitable land for agriculture, classification, and systematic survey was followed which was profounded by ancient law givers namely Manu, Narada, and Kautilya while granting land grants. The inscriptions of Satavahanas and Ikshvakus from Western Deccan and Eastern Deccan record gifts of villages and fields to Buddhist monasteries as well as Brahmins. Land management is defined as the process of managing the use, preserve, and development (in both urban and rural settings) of land resources. Land resources are used for a variety of purposes, which may include organic agriculture, reforestation and water resource management. While granting lands sufficient and reasonable protection to the piece of land granted was also mentioned in the grants.

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Sk. Nasim Ali LAND MANAGEMENT AND AGRARIAN ECONOMY UNDER SATAVAHANAS AND IKSHVAKUS International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 3 March 2015

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