Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Lagerstroemia for urban landscapes in India

R. K. Roy, J. S. Khuraijam, Shilpi Singh

Abstract :

 Landscapes and urban green space plays a critical role for keeping our cities attractive and healthy. Lagestroemias are among the best flowering trees for urban landscapes due to interesting growth, long blooming period and attractive flowers during summer. They grow well in different agro–climatic condition and drought tolerant. These plant species are selected for plantation in central verge, along the road, traffic island and urban green space because they have a capacity to tolerate dust, automobile fumes and have moderate efficiency to absorb air pollution. Moreover, the plants which are used for landscaping should have a good growth habit, flowering and striking flower colour. Lagerstroemia species have all these characters and create attraction while moving through the roads, parks, avenue plantation. In the present paper, prospect and utility of five species of Lagerstroemia for urban landscaping are discussed.

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R.K. Roy, J.S. Khuraijam, Shilpi Singh Lagerstroemia for Urban Landscapes in India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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