Volume : VIII, Issue : II, February - 2019


Thokchom Ushakiran, Naveen Kumar Bopanna, Narayana Rao Vinnakota, Burri Kiran Karthik, Anvesh. G, Akhil Pallepati

Abstract :

Introduction:Schools provide an effective platform for promoting oral health as they reach over 1 billion children worldwide. Education of school children on oral health is most impor­tant because healthy oral habits are developed early in life. The teachers,by virtue of being trained persons and because of their proximity to the children have a determining role in disseminating knowledge on oral health  Aims:To assess Knowledge, Attitude and Practices regarding oral health among school teachers in Manipur.Materials and Method:  A total of 143 school teachers working in 3 government and 3 private schools were included in this study.  A pre–tested questionnaire  having 31 questions pertaining to Knowledge, Attitude ,Practices along with demographic details were distributed  to  the teachers  and then collected after 30mins.The data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science version 21.0. Chi square test was done in order to test for group difference among the variables. Results:  The participants’ oral hygiene habits were found to be regular and also showed good knowledge on oral health along with recognizing its importance . They did incorporate the importance of oral health in educating children. But, not all teachers are involved effectively.Conclusion: Therefore, the teachers should be trained comprehensively regarding importance of oral health and creating awareness on oral health promotion for their students in combination with health care personnel. 

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KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICES OF SCHOOL TEACHERS TOWARDS ORAL HEALTH IN MANIPUR, INDIA, Thokchom Ushakiran, Naveen Kumar Bopanna, Narayana Rao Vinnakota, Burri Kiran Karthik, Anvesh. G, Akhil Pallepati INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-2 | February-2019

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