Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

Knowledge About Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome(AIDS) & Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Students of Mahilla College

Dr. Vibha Gosalia, Dr. Harsha Solanki, Dr. Harshad Patel, Dr. M. P. Singh, Dr. Ekta Gosalia, Dr. Dhvanish Vyas, Maulik Gosalia, Dr. Mayuri Thaker

Abstract :

1) To study awareness regarding HIV/AIDS & STI amongst adolescents. 2) To assess the impact of health awareness programme on knowledge of STI & HIV/AIDS. Materials & Method: Present cross–sectional study was conducted among representative group of 68 adolescents from Mrs. N.C.Gandhi & Mrs. B.V.Gandhi Mahila Arts & Commerce College, Bhavnagar city. Pre test were carried out before beginning the programme followed by post test to assess the impact of health awareness programme. Results: Most of the girls (66.2%) didn’t heard about STI, in contrast to it 88.2% of them were heard about HIV/AIDS & main source of information was media (51.5%). Television, radio & News paper were quoted as the most common source of information. However only 33.8% of them mentioned that it was transmitted by sexual route. Regarding prevention of STI, 58.8% of them didn’t know about any modalities of prevention, while 23.5% were mention use of condom in case of HIV/AIDS. After giving various lectures and demonstration, the knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS & STI has been significantly improved. (p

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Dr. Vibha Gosalia,Dr. Harsha Solanki,Dr. Harshad Patel,Dr. M.P. Singh,Dr. Ekta Gosalia,Dr.Dhvanish Vyas,Maulik Gosalia,Dr. Mayuri Thaker Knowledge About Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome(AIDS) & Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Students of Mahilla College International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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