Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Kisan Credit Card Scheme in India:a Facet of Financial Inclusion

Dr. S. Rajamohan, Mrs. K. Subha

Abstract :

The kisan Credit Card Scheme is a step towards facilitating the access to short term credit for the borrowers from the financial institutions. The scheme was conceived as a uniform credit delivery mechanism, aimed at provision of adequate and timely supply of credit to the farmers to meet their crop production requirements. The KCC instrument would allow farmers to purchase agriculture inputs, such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and also allow them to withdraw some cash for meeting their other crop production related requirement. Farmers heavily depend on non institutional sources of credit due to frequent needs, inadequate availability of institutional credit, unnecessary delays, cumbersome procedure and improper practices adopted by institutional lending agencies. Provision of timely and adequate credit has been one of the major challenges for banks in India in dispensation of agricultural and rural credit to the farmers. Hencethis research paper mainly focused on “Kisan Credit Card Scheme: A Facet of Financial Inclusion"

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Dr.S.Rajamohan, Mrs.K.Subha Kisan Credit Card Scheme in India:a Facet of Financial Inclusion International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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