Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

Kinetic studies on Production of Biosurfactant (Trehalose lipid) by Nocardia Hydrocarbonoxydans

Deepak A. Y, Laxmikant R, Veeranna S. , Anil R Shet , Basavaraj B

Abstract :

Surfactants of biological origin are gaining importance in recent years due to their biodegradability and nontoxic nature. In present work the synthesis of trehalose-lipid biosurfactant by Nocardia hydrocarbonoxidans NCIM-2386 was studied in batch experiment. Since the concentration of carbon source plays a major role in the synthesis of biosurfactants, the experiment was conducted in different initial sucrose concentrations ranging from 10g/l to 60g/l in intervals of 10g/l keeping all other medium ingredients same. The optimum concentration of substrate (surcrose) for the production of biosurfactants (Tehalose-lipid) was found to be 50g/l.In this work an attempt has been made to understand the kinetics of biomass growth & product formation. The Logistic model for biomass growth has predicted well for higher initial substrate concentrations of 50g/l and 60g/l. In the present batch cultivation studies the biomass yield was found to be (Yx/s) = 0.13 g dry weight of cells/g of substrate consumed. The product formation kinetics was predicted favorably with Leudeking-Piret model for higher concentrations of sucrose ie 50g/l and 60g/l. It was evident from α and β values that the product formation kinetics is more oriented towards growth-associated type

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Deepak A. Y,Laxmikant R,Veeranna S.,Anil R Shet ,Basavaraj B Kinetic studies on Production of Biosurfactant (Trehalose lipid) by Nocardia Hydrocarbonoxydans International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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