Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Key Factors Determining The Success of an IT Firm: Recruitment and Retention

S. Ravi Shankar, S. Kuppusamy

Abstract :

A great complexity in majority of the IT Firm is Recruitment and Retention. Recruitment and Retention means hiring the right person for the job, offering flexible work schedules, promoting employee training and developing recognition programs. This paper highlights the study of recruitment and retention by numerous well-known personalities and provides an obvious thought about the organization’s role in recruitment and retention, job of HR professionals, employee turnover, best recruitment and retention practices and finally conclude by explaining the reasons for success and failure of an organization.

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S.Ravi Shankar, S.Kuppusamy Key Factors Determining The Success of an IT Firm: Recruitment and Retention International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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